Monday, December 12, 2011

“Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.” - E. Joseph Cossman

What does this quote mean? Put it in your own words then give an example of how this can happen.


Unknown said...

The quote "Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal" written by E. Joseph Cossman may mean a lot to various people.In my opinion it means that an obstacles is something that looks like a long, hard battle when it may be small.This happens when you take your eyes off your goal.You get sidetracked and you forget your goal.You get stuck onthis so called "challenge' when in the end it doesnt even matter.

Unknown said...

peep first person to comment :p

Anonymous said...

This quote "Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal" by E. Joseph Cossman means to me that Obstacles are circumstances or challenges that come to you and try to stop you from surviving a severe situation. And they are what people see to come near when he is distracted or becomes un-focused on what they are doing which is basically their goal.

Anonymous said...

The quote means when you focus on something else than your goals it get harder to work on your goals.Also it means there will be people,things, and obstacles that will distract you from reaching your goal.This called the goal block.

By:Joseph 282

Anonymous said...

The quote means when you focus on something else than your goals it get harder to work on your goals.Also it means there will be people,things, and obstacles that will distract you from reaching your goal.This called the goal block.

By:Joseph 282

Anonymous said...

The quote means when you focus on something else than your goals it get harder to work on your goals.Also it means there will be people,things, and obstacles that will distract you from reaching your goal.This called the goal block.

By:Joseph 282

Jenning213 said...

It means that if something is too easy, you will not learn or gain any knowledge from it, which leads you no where.It is better to go down a path with obstacles because you learn and develop experience from working harder to get through things.People get somewhere with wisdom, which is gained by experience, from obstacles of life, if something is easy and has no point to it, it won't get you far.

For example if your goal is to get a 65 for all marking period through the whole 7th grade , you would most likely wont get accepted into any good high school then into a the college of your dreams.

Jenning Ballesteros 282

crusier said...

This quote means whe your having to go through a struggle at school or maybe anywhere in life oyur going to have obstacles. The fist day you might be doing great, but the next day your unable to focus. Its like your mine is in a different earth and its hard for you to keep concentrating. Ex: if someone breaks out into a fight you will get distracted and you will be away from the work your doing. Next thing you realize instead on focusing on the race you get distracted and you lose first place. Its like the olpics when your trying yo hop over the hurdlesif somebody yells you look and trip over that obstacle. Same with tne next one and the next one. Instead of geting the gold metal you get nothing not even bronze and you walk away feelind ashame. That is what this quote means to me.

crystal271 said...

The quote"Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal"means to focus on what's important and not go one place to another.An example of this me making my blanket.If I would focus on what to do instead of worrying how much yarn I have left I would already be on my #rd ball of yarn.

aquia parris said...

i think this quote means that you may have a goal in life but when its a time you may struggle with it. it may be a challenge and difficult experience but you may get through it. i think it also mean to put your mind to a task and stay focus on it,and to not go run to look to do anything may always stay focus stay doing what your doing so you can reach higher at what you wanna do.for example when i go on computer i try not to stay long. but i try not to but i cant.i always wanna go do my homework but my friends tell me to do this or that or i see something interested that i may do. but anyways the point is that you should always focus on what your doing and face your challenges because you never no what you will happen...

Giqqless : ) said...

This quote means that if you take your eyes of your goal you will see the obstacles that you must face in order to complete this goal.It brings you to reality and lets you know that you wont get it without an obstacle coming your way.
Iniah Benjamin 271

kaykay99 said...

I think this quote means that you should always focus on your goals. You should try to focus on your goals because if you don't then you will have a whole bunch of things in your way & it will be hard for you to focus on your goal. For example I want to get good grades if I don't work hard then I won't be able to accomplish my goal.

Eleasah Cunningham
Class 271

Anime said...

This quote means if you get distracted you met not reach the end of your goal. You might not be able to finish what you started. For example texting while driving. You pay attention to the road and all of a sudden there is a "BEEP" and you take your eyes of the road to pay attention your phone and you look to see who texted you. All of a sudden you crash and you fail to reach your goal. I agree with Kelshey.

~*Ch!n!r@ Wh!tney*~

Sarah kerr said...

I Think this quote means that if you don't stay focused on what your trying to do you will be side tracked by other less important task then when you get back to what you were doing first it will be messed up because you were procrastinating before.

Tia Mckay said...

This quote means that you have to stay forcused on whatever you are trying to achieve.Your goal is priority and there should no distractions.

An example of this is when my show(law and order)came on in the middle of me studing for an exam.I took time out to watch my show and lost forcus on my studies.


taiyabarnes said...

I think that this quote means when a person has a goal they shouldn't give up on it because once they do. That person will face many different challenges while doing other things they don't need to do.
Taiya Barnes
Class 282

Kinetic Kid33 said...

This quote means that an obstacle in this case, is a potential roadblock preventing you from reaching success. It is a distraction luring you from concentration. It also means when you’re unable to transport to your destination. An everyday example of this quote is when you’re trying to read a book to complete a book report but the due date is tomorrow and while reading you overhear people having an argument and then a friend calls on the phone. These obstacles make it hard to focus on reading. When you realize you don’t have time for that, you can get focused on the goal and block these things out.


MeganeN said...

In my own words, this quote mean:
''Roadblocks are all see, when you look around your goal.''
An example of how this can happen is when you see your goal but you are looking around, and yoiu see friends that may want you to be ''popular''. You may want to get encounted in drugs and even getting drunk an in trouble too much. Then you look back at your goal and realize that roadblocks can be VERY tricky. Don't get stuck in it.
Megane nacier. 282

Beserker said...

The quote"Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal means if you focus more on some thing else that your own goal,there would be more obstacles than you should have had faced. Because you did not stay on track, you fell behind and had to face more road blocks and challenges, than if you stayed on track and did what you had to do in the first place.

~Njehan Phillip~

zack said...

The quote Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal means that if you concentrate on something else besides your goal you will face more roadblocks and challenges,then you would have if you only concentrated on your goal

Zachary Gibbs
Class 271

Simone Aiken said...

The quote means for a person to achieve their goal they have to make sure they stay focus and positive in life. Having obstacles put in front of you one has to remain strong so they can see their goal. An example is if a person wants to attend college and suddenly they start thinking is their grades good enough or can they afford the money to attend. These are things that can put you off track, and before you know it your goal is not accomplished.

Simone Aiken 271

hershey said...

To me this quote means that when a person gives up their goal they will face many obstacles.About why they gave up on their goals.They might be confused about all the things they could have done if they had finished their goals.For example:If your goal was to pass all classes and you gave up and only pass like one then the out come of that is that you will fail that marking period.That is what that quote means to me.

Stephanie Brown 282

Ezekiel Bovell said...

This quote means that you should always keep your eye on the goal and if you do u will see no obstacles, but if you take your eyes off your goal you will find yourself in a whole bunch of obstacles.

Ezekiel Bovell 282

Taliah morgan said...

The quote "obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal "means to me that when a person accomplish it's obstacles he or her is not worrying about their goal anymore because they already did what they had to do. "271" Taliah morgan

TeeTee James said...

The quote "Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal" means that if something is too easy, you will not learn or gain any knowledge from it, which leads you no where.
It is better to go down a path with obstacles because you learn and develop experience from working harder to get through things.People get somewhere with wisdom, which is gained by experience, from obstacles of life, if something is easy and has no point to it,it won't get you far.

TeeTee James said...

Toni James 271

Lauryn C. said...

I think that this quote means that when you are not focused on your goals little things may distract you from accomplishing that goal.

An example for this quote is that my goal for the first marking period was to pass Mrs.T-Halls ela class, but instead of reading and completing my homework assignments I was watching TV, on my cell phone & playing games on my wii, & those are some of the things that caused me not to do well in her class.

Lauryn Clarke, 271

jasmine said...

this quote means when a person is reaching and planning a goal they want to achieve it. what i think is that obstacles are hard and you will see it in life now or later on in life. it is like when a racer goes around the track and have to avoid the different obstacles that are coming their way it is like that.

Who Cares said...

I think this quote means that if a person is to focus not on his/her goal, but on the long and hard road that it will take to get it than you'll surely see obstacles rather than just seeing those obstacles as small things that can't block him/her from reaching her goal

Blairsuleen Milord 271

kingsbay72 said...

The quote obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal means that when you focus on one thing it becomes easier to do and when your not focus on one thing it becomes harder to do.

mathew pearson

shania said...

An obstacle is something that seriously hampers action or progress in other word blocking, impediment, or hindering. A goal is something you would like to achieve for Instense you want to become a doctor.So the quote
Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.” - E. Joseph Cossman means that when you forget about your goal and do not try to work on it when you try to go back to the goal you had before its going to be even harder and things will be blocking you from achieveing it. shania rockhead class 271

Anonymous said...

I think that this quote means that obstacles, also known as road blocks, would distract you from the correct path that you are trying to go dowm. It may redirect you through a winding road that will cause you to lose great oppurtunities in life. Sometimes these obstacles that you encounter would be a test or challenge to see if you are ready to face some hardships that may come your way. Dont give up on your goal. Keep your focus and ignore any distractions that may become an obstacle in the future. Obstacles may seem bigger than they really are!

Josiah Ryce of class 282

CarliValcin said...

This quote means when you have a goal and you begin to betray it and take the wrong route then problems begin to follow and occur.For example when your goal is to get and -A- in English but then you betray your goal by deciding not to do your homework or continue to fail test you begin to face obstacles. Your grade decreases
and you might not be able to get promoted to high school.
Carlyanne Valcin 282

Kanye West - Good Life ft. T-Pain said...

The quote"“Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal " means that if you don't focus on your goal,you can get sidetracked and think about stuff that has nothing to do with your goal

abrigrant said...

This quote means that when you take your eye off the prize anything is able to trip you up and distract you from what your trying to accomplish.You need to always focus on where your heading and and never forget the goals your striving for.

Abrianna Grant Class 282

Unknown said...

I think this quote means that education shouldn't be like the reflection of what you do but it should be like what you want to see through it