Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to loose everything else" ---Bernadette Devlin The Price of My Soul, 1969

What does this quote mean? Provide a valid interpretation of this statement, agree or disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it, and support your opinion using specific references. Don't forget to comment on someone else's opinion. You may also use text connections.


SassyVinci101 said...

Hi i am shae i think the quote that was written by bernadette is very true because if you really want to experience joy you have to suffer a little you have to feel a little pain or as they say you have to get stinged a few times before you taste the honey. All though for some people they have already experienced there before they felt the suffering but they will one day

smart sweet sificated said...

i think it means that when u gain something thta is weathly to u.you wont need anything else and as long as u have that one thing that is all that matters.this peom cant be delt with life u have everything u need even thhing u dont need so why dont u just give it away
yolanda simeon 273

CJ said...

hi im chereen from class 281, and i think this quote means that whatever your goal is, or whatever important thing you wish for, you will have to forget the unecessary things that will keep you back from obtaining it. And i agree with shae, because you will always have to go through some type of trouble to obtain a goal.

Anonymous said...

hi my name is abby from 274. i think that the quote means that if u learn more stuff then dats really approving in what u knoe. if u maybe dont know anything else, its ok because u can still learn about that thing that u have lost. I agree with his quote. because,it actually could set an influence for us.

big dizzy said...

hi this is Devon a.k.a big dizzy from class 273. The quote that you put there is true because sometimes you need to do that when everything is not going your way

D. Crazyb0y said...

hey ms. hall this Dante from 281. what i think this qoute means is that if you want something really bad. Sometimes you would have to make some sacrofice

Anonymous said...

This Is Lucas 4rom 281, I Think It means You Must DO Anything Neccesary To Achieve Something Even IF You Have To Lose Everything


Anonymous said...

i agree with this comment because what bernadette is saying is true.whatever is worth having deserves sacrificing something else

johnny gadere said...

Hi miss Hall, it's johnny from 281. I think the quote means if you desire something you might have to make some sacrifices, but if it's worth it you might as well just make them.

black barbie niya 20 said...

hi my name is ashaniya and i agree with shae because it is very true because sometimes u do have to feel alittle bit of pain and joy

ashaniya goodridge
class 273

Lil' Jay said...
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Lil' Jay said...

Hello my name is Jevaughn Grey and i think this quote is one of the most beautiful things ive ever read beause its not only true, it speaks to the soul

BruteForceAlchemist said...

"you cannot achieve pure greatness without work, for to work is to achieve" ---Erwan Cesar (insert name of book/don't have one).!1!

tavina96 said...

my name octavina bastien 274.I think the quote that was written by bernadette is very true because if you really want to experience joy you have to suffer a little you have to feel a little pain or as they say you have to get stinged a few times before you taste the honey. All though for some people they have already experienced there before they felt the suffering but they will one day

tavina96 said...

I gree with thiscomment because what bernadette is saying is true.whatever is worth having deserves sacrificing something else
and also it means "you cannot achieve pure greatness without work, for to work is to achieve". one last thing thats on my mind arei think it means that when u gain something thta is weathly to u.you wont need anything else and as long as u have that one thing that is all that matters.this peom cant be delt with life u have everything u need even thhing u dont need so why dont u just give it away.

BruteForceAlchemist said...

thx for the feedback

Alexis said...

hi I'm Alexis Caesar from class 281 and i think this quote means that if you really want accomplish something in your life you will have to sacrifice everything else to get what you want. i also agree with johnny because it's worth it.

dsl2k5 said...

Yo its Shawn from class 281, and i think this quote means that whatever you want to do in life you have to push yourself in making that dream a reality. I agree with Dante that if you want something really bad you have to sacrifice to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

wats up Mrs.hall i think the quote mean if u want to archive joy u got to suffier a little pain and this is christan from 273

babyfootloose said...

hi dis devontae i agree with the quote because really wit every gain in life in there is a suffering and to gain something you have to lose something

Anonymous said...

i agree with bernadette because some times you have to give something else up to get another

l!!lcla$$ynana said...

hi my name is najee and i think the quote means when you gain somthing and you have to give up alot in your life you will have nothing.

smart sweet sificated said...

i do not nesserari agree with najee because in life u can strive for one thing and get more and that more can make u give it all up.

Anonymous said...

Hi it's Jayvone. Well I agree what Bernadette said because. He's saying that if you achieve something or also do somthing also if you have to lose something. That's what i think.

Anonymous said...

im david balan and i think that the quote is saying that in order to have the things you want thst you have to sometimes give them up

$ClassyPrincess$ said...

Hello viewers, this is Ashley Anderson from class 273 and I absoulty agree with Ms.Shae. Sometimes you have to suffer pain to accomplish your excitment or joy in life. I aslo agree with Ms. Benadette Devil because she write's the truth about suffering pain and lossing everything that you else to gain. I love your blogs and keep them coming!!!!=)

C1iff0rd said...

I think the quote "To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to loose everything else" means when you gain something you have to be ready to loose more than you originally asked for.

Anonymous said...

hi my name is courtnie and i really agree with this quote because if you really want something you have to go after it but there may be sufferings that have to go through.

TheMasterM100 said...

I think it means to get something you want. you might have to lose or sacfice something to get it.

Anonymous said...

hi its dane and i dont know what the meaning is

Carlnow said...

Carl.W. Powell J.R

hey Mrs. Hall i thought you said your blog is suppose to be about a discussion with everyone else???????

I believe the quote ""To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to loose everything else" ---Bernadette Devlin The Price of My Soul, 1969" in order to get what is necessary it is better too lose what is not necessary for example is I had a beef jerky I rather give it in for something education, or something life treating, or maybe a bus fair which I need to get home

elateachermrsthall said...

Make reverberations. How does this quote make a connection to the author study book that you are reading in class? Make a text to text connection. (Please write full and complete sentences with detailed information.

elateachermrsthall said...

In response to carl's question, yes I did say that students should have discussions on the blog. I am still waiting for this to happen. I love how a few people are doing it. But I want to see more people discussing.

-Mrs. T. Hall

DeBajanQueena20008 said...

well i have to say that chreen said what i wanted to say. if u have a goal set for yourself u have to be more concerned about that goal and not of the little things that r not that much important

☆★mn2508e↗↗↗ said...

hi i m nicole. i agree with that. it's true. for example somebody is goin' to get marry and have children, but she/he still wants to do what she/he likes everyday, n it's impossible. cuz when u get marry u have to sacrifice for ur family. as the chinese people said, the world would never be perfect.

☆★mn2508e↗↗↗ said...

i agree with chereen. if u got a goal, suppose that goal is u want to got a 90 or over in english, u have to sacrifice ur time to play to study. u can't got a gd grade without study. n somethin' that dosen't matter to ur goal, forget about it.

SassyVinci101 said...

Shae- I have to say i disagree with chereen because you can get a good grade with out studying i am not saying it is good not to study or eve that you shouldn't i am simply saying i have seen in my times people who get 95 and above even though they haven't studied i ahve even done it before but i am sayin that the key to getting a good grade is to listen and pay attention because some people have such a good brain they would learn somethin in June and remember it from the next paying attention will get you further to your goal than to study because some people thay study but they do not understand wat they are studying.

Lilpat said...

hi this Patrick and I think that this quote means that you have to suffer before you experiance happiness

Cassy said...

What shes obviously saying this that if you think you really want something that bad are you willing to loose everything else you have. And she calls it the price of my soul because can you really put a price you have already. For ex: you love your friends but you want to hang out with others cause you think it's a better road. I get that from my mother. Bernadette probably learned that the hard way or from her mother too.

Cassy said...

(BTW this Cassandra) at school I'm reading a book called local news stories. and this quote relates to my author because Gary Soto was a poor boy living in Fresno California. he was always chasing girls and he didn't do well in school. if he just paid attention in school more often and was willing to loose all that he had he would probably have a better life instead of wishing he had a better life.

Anonymous said...


I think this Qoutes messages is that to get what is recuired of everyone you will have to sacrifice and loose the ones you love

Anonymous said...


I can connet this qoute to the book i am reading called a place called haert break becausein order for major fred cherry to help in the war and be sucses full he will have to do alot even loose his life in the line of fire

Unknown said...

I think ""To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to loose everything else"means if you have something that you will loose it so you have to be ready to loose it.

Unknown said...

This qoute reminds me of a qoute saying 'a man without history is like a tree without roots'.

Lilpat said...

As I read:this quote

It reminded me of:when I was reading looking for work
Because:the oldest was looking for work and just like the qoute he had to loose every thing else to gain the job that he wanted

young icon said...

281 all day!!!!(khalil) i think the quote means you have to give up the little things if you want to get the eccential things in life.

young icon said...

it reminds me of the book im reading in class(malcolm X: by any means necessary) the title itself is a connection to the quote. maloclm did anything to see the strive for african americans.

C1iff0rd said...

I connect the quote to another quote that my coach always says "Football is 20% physical and 80% mental". I saw that these two quotes had something in common and that is I use both of them to motivate me. I used the one by Bernadette Devlin as a motivation to pass my test I must sacrifice television and my psp to study and pass the test. And of course I use my coach's quote in practice and the game.

Anonymous said...

As i read this quote,i was reminded of when my aunt said everything you earn,its for a reason and somethings are worth losing for others.

Carlnow said...

Carl W Powell Jr

this connect to my book because,in the book Jamal ..... I don't think it connects to my book because he never lost something in order to gain another thing very important to him or to his life

tavina96 said...

i also i agree with that. it's true. for example somebody is goin' to get marry and have children, but she/he still wants to do what she/he likes everyday, n it's impossible. cuz when u get marry u have to sacrifice for ur family. as the hatain people said, the world would never be perfect. which my mom and dad also say thats what they belive in from octavina bastien 274

tavina96 said...

don't think it connects to my book because he never lost something in order to gain another thing very important to my or to his life

Anonymous said...


DeBajanQueena20008 said...

hey mrs.hall its ragayla 281, and i could connect this quote to my book by the way gloria is looking to get her parents back together and not paying that much attention to her friends the same way the quote is saying that if she strives that it maybe a possibilty that it may not work

Stormyy (: said...

my opinion for u quote would be that i think thats true n ever way .....i think n feel this way cause alot of people that i know can relate to this quote...also b/c in order to grow n acheive in life u hav to sacrafise to gain ...for ex.LOVE u hav to let go of NONE true love to GAIN the real thing{LOVE}.....THATS MY OPINION

Stormyy (: said...

i agree with shae and i think she just proved my point ov my commment that i mae on this quote ...also i liked how u expressed it shae n used ex too

Anonymous said...

I Think It Means In Every Success There Is Always A Struggle So Its A 50 % - 50 % Chance What Can Be Made After Hard Work.

Ex: I Can Compare This To How Last Year When I Was In 271 With Mr. Monaco And Did Gary Soto Author Study's And Read Books Of Him And One Of Them Were "Novio Boy"

Where He Has A Chance Of Getting A Date With A Girl Who Is Older Than Him. Even Though He Works Very Hard, He Could Of Been Rejected But it Worked Out *

YuNg LuC


Anonymous said...

The Comments I Personally Agree With is....

- Clifford

- tavina96

- BruteForceAlchemist

- dsl2k5

- l!!lcla$$ynana

- babyfootloose


- young icon

**Patrick Tousaaint I Disagree With Your View Because It Doesnt Always Mean To Suffer But To Lose Something. Its Just A Loss**

** I Like The Remeberece Of What swtd2007 Aunt Said To Him And Can Be A Wise Thought To Use In The Future**

*Shamarie* said...

Hi I'm Shamarie. I think it means that in life, you have to make sacrifices for the really-important things,and sometimes those important things are worth loosing everything else.

*Shamarie* said...

Reverberator's page
As I read:The price of my soul,1969

I was reminded:of Clyde

Because: his dad died and he was getting bad grades and he had to make sacrifices of not spending all his time on the streets and help out his mom at home and cut out some of the idling he was doing and study.

asheslove said...

This is Ashley from 281 and i like the quote. I think it means that when u gain or receive something you will forget the other necessities that u have and stay focus on wat u really have and appreciate it. Or wat u have is worth more than everything else. I can completely agree with Shae because I luv the way she stated it in a phrase and Chereen 2, miss smarty. Ashes flyin out and leavin her luv out there!:)

Enjah Newman said...

hi my name is Enjah Newman. as you may know i am not doing as good in your class i will try to do better i know i am getting better grade love Enjah Newman

Tajmah Isaac said...
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Tajmah Isaac said...
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Tajmah Isaac said...

I think this quote means in order to achieve a goal you have to realize it may be necessary to make a sacrifice.Reminds me of how Walter didn't fight in school because the death of his paternal Uncle Lee depressed his father.It reminds of myself in your class also,It makes me think that if you want to see the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
<3 Tajmah class 281

SLiiMPREETiiE said...
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SLiiMPREETiiE said...

Hi my name is Tamoi Holness and i think this poem means that once you got everything you need its okay to loose other things thats not really important

LaDii Ray said...

hi my name is jazmyne parris i belive this quote is about getting something most important like an education and losing lest variable thing that might get in your way

LaDii Ray said...

hi its jazmyne again i agree with- Clifford

- tavina96

- BruteForceAlchemist

- dsl2k5

- l!!lcla$$ynana

- babyfootloose


- young icon

and shae.

as i read The Price of My Soul, 1969"

i was reminded of the movie the ink well a little

beacuse in the inkwell he spend more time in trying to find love in the wrong place when we can move one

LaDii Ray said...

hi its jazmyne i want shae to not that carrens answer is right and inkwell is a book too

Anonymous said...

I believe these means that in life you will lose some stuff maybe all your stuff just to get these one thing that mean a lot to you

Anonymous said...

hi my name is dane and i think this guote is true because by bernadette is very true if u really want to experince joy you have to suffer a little you have to feel a little bit of pain.