Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"For what does it mean to be a hero? It requires you to be prepared to deal with forces larger than yourself."

--Norman Mailer
The Spooky Art, 2003

What does this quote mean? Provide a valid interpretation of this statement, agree or disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it, and support your opinion using specific references. Don't forget to comment on someone else's opinion.


Lil' Jay said...

This quote means that a person that is a hero faces everyday probelms that a bigger than his or her self. The hero also takes the problem no matter what risk


Carlnow said...

Carl Powell Jr

This quote may have many meanings but I believe it mean that one who call him shelf a hero (police officer, fire fighter etc.)will have to deal with situations which will be hard to overcome but they will because it is there job to do so.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Enjah Newman said...

Hi my name is Enjah Newman i don't know what to say about your blog it but it is cool thanks for teaching me

babyfootloose said...

hi this is devontae from class 273 i think a hero means someone that can stand up to odds way larger in size that helps people in need that is waht i think a real hero is

Lilpat said...

i think a hero means someone that can stand up to odds way larger in size that helps people in need that is what i think a real hero is

2hot4you said...

I think this quote means that when there comes a time in your life, you must learn to take risks and stand up for yourself because life can be tough at times which is why you can be a hero to yourself if you try to get through certain situations.
-Sandra Samuel

Tajmah Isaac said...

I think this quote means that in order to be a hero,you must face your fears,and even though you're scared you should be prepared to deal with those fears whatever they are.I would also like to agree with what Lilpat said.

Anonymous said...

I believe being a hero is a person full of courage, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

Anonymous said...

i agree with this statement. i think this statement means that you have to make your own definition for the word hero a hero can be a evreyday person that takes on something that he/she knows they canot beat but has the courage to try any way and triumph. I agree with lil jay as well 2 of my heros are my parent s and there my heros because they faces everyday problems that are bigger than them selves

Anonymous said...

that to be a hero takes courage and be strong enough to handle the things that are bigger than you. it means that their will always be a time when you will have to be strong enough to handle something

smart sweet sificated said...

hi i am yolanda simeon,the quote "for waht does it mean to be a hero?ity requres you to be perpared to deal with forces larger than yourself." probably means to be a hero you have to up to a standard and make sure you can deal with things that are worse than yourself. to be a hero you need to set your personal life aside and be able to help others. you may be in situations that you cant even handle . to be a hero also mean sarcafaicing yourself to help others. lots of heros faces problems eveeryday but it is going to get worse that you cant handle it and you will need just to let go. i agree with lots of peoples comments but jeaughns quote makes more sense because each hero use them delfs just to protect other and make sur less harm come to them.

DeBajanQueena20008 said...

This quote is stating in order for you to be a hero you ought to know how to fight different battles that you WILL face and that you cant be a wimp{like carl} u got to be tough u have to be strong u have to know how to fight more battles then you know you will never ever face before. A hero is actually willing to risk his or her life because u never know what can be out there to get you!!!Mostly everyone wrote similar answers but i wud not say that i go 100 percent with the answers i see here

R@3rAEDiV@ in 281 HaVe A NiCe dAY MrS.hAlL

Anonymous said...

As Norman says,it requires you to be prepared to deal with forces larger than yourself and it means to be willing to be the good Samaritan from the goodness of your heart without any reward.
Dorcas H.-281

Samara said...

To me i believe that to be a hero is to be ready for whatever comes in your way in life no matter what it is. To be a hero these days in america is to finish my education in high school and college and to become a successful person in life. A hero can also do for those who needs the help. A hero can be anything you put your mind to that means something in life. Theres alot of definition to the word Hero.....

tavina96 said...

octavina bastien from class 274 i think a hero means that some one that a model to some on eles like for example me octavina my hero is my mother because she is all ways ther for me.she makes feel better when i am sad and only.and me mom is that kind of a person that is required to me and she is all ways prepared to deal with all me problms with force than herself.

tavina96 said...

i also agree with careem because what he said mean all to other people.what he said is very good to represent other people's heros

tavina96 said...

one more thing i need to say i think this statement means that you have to make your own definition for the word hero a hero can be a evreyday person that takes on something that he/she knows they canot beat but has the courage to try any way and triumph. also probably means to be a hero you have to up to a standard and make sure you can deal with things that are worse than yourself. to be a hero you need to set your personal life aside and be able to help others. you may be in situations that you cant even handle . to be a hero also mean sarcafaicing yourself to help others. lots of heros faces problems eveeryday but it is going to get worse that you cant handle it and you will need just to let go. from octavina bastien from class 274

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.T.Hall its Junior Elinor from class 274.I think the quote mean a hero is someone that got your back,someone thats there with you when a problem arrived,someone who could afford sticking up for you for what ever happens in life.

CJ said...

Hello, this is Chereen. I think this quote means that a true hero is one who is able to control an overbearing situation, or situations that seem impossible to control. For instance, in most heroic movies, despite their awesome power, heroes still have to go through situations that seem impossible to control. But at the end, when they take control of that situation, they are highly congratulated and it seems like their first heroic deed.

Carlnow said...

Lil' jay i agree with you because a true hero has to face problem where it may seem hard or impossible and they must face the problem no matter whats the issue or risk

johnny gadere said...

Hello Mrs Hall, I think that this quote means that being a hero doesn't always mean saving lives and helping others, being a hero can also mean facing your fears or facing problems that you have not been able to face before. You might be a hero to others but every time you face or solve a problem you become a hero to yourself.

Johnny Gardere

Anonymous said...


This quote means that if you want to be a hero you have to put the people first...........you have to live up to the hard ways of a hero.

Anonymous said...

i disagree with careem because a hero does not necessarily have to be prepared for anything because the quote is saying to deal and be prepared with things you cant handle. careem did not state that

David Balan 281

Alexis said...

i think this quote means in order to be a hero you must expect the unexpected. they would have to deal with situations that happen in their life. their problems would later on help them in life. they will learn both the easy way and the hard way.

igiul said...

hey ms hall its luigi from class 274.i think this quote means that your not strong when you fight someone thats youger than you. i think that you strong when you fight someone who's older than you. that's what i think this quote means

Carlnow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
big dizzy said...

This is Devon, I think a hero is someone who will put his/her life on the line to save someone else. Hero's don't have to have super powers to save people. You can be a hero too. That is what I think a hero is. Thanks for reading my response

Anonymous said...

this quote means that a person that is a hero faces everday problems that a biger than his or her self. the hero also takes the problem no matter what risk

Dane Duncan Class 273

Mr overstink said...

this this a scholl blog

Anonymous said...

This Quote means that when you are ready to take a bigger step you must be ready for anything even it is way above your goal...

My way of explaining my view is The Hero: Which Is you going to another Level. And The Goal: It will be hard with struggles that''l make you think there is no way to complete this force.

I Also Agree with:


DeBajanQueena20008 (Because no one wants to a wimp like carl --> "Carlnow"

And Mrs. Hall i forgot to give you todays H.W, can i give it to you on Monday plz???

Alright Bye Ms.Hall

YuNg LuC

starz said...

to me a hero requires much strength. a hero takes courage and great personality. when you ask what a hero means. i think a hero means a person who can overcome anything that comes towards their way. they also must look out and always be prepared for anything to be thrown at them. even if a hero means strength it still means that they deal with everyday problems in order to become one. i agree with babyfootloose and tavina96 because it's actually true that you must be prepared for anything that come around.

~StARz~ bj 274

☆★mn2508e↗↗↗ said...

hi i m nicole fm class 281. i think this quote means that if u can face n deal w/ forces that r much bigger than urself, it means u can handle things well, n a hero suppose 2 do that.

☆★mn2508e↗↗↗ said...

i agreed w/ starz. a hero is willin' 2 try new things and hv special personality. what he/she does is not just followin' what the others do.

Carlnow said...

im goin 2 crach this website watch

Anonymous said...

Carls A Nerd!!

Anyone Agree???

*Shamarie* said...

To be a hero, it means that you have to fight battles, overcome stuggles and make the right decisions.These are not all easy tasks. Where there's a hero there is always a fiend. That fiend is the source of the force that a hero is required to face. This fiend always has some villainous attacks for the hero that seems too challenging to overcome, but as long as this hero has faith nothing will hold him\her down. All heroes are use to the fact that there is always something out there that will want to hold them down and a true hero is always prepared to face that force.

Anonymous said...

I Agree with shamarie

Anonymous said...

hi ms.hall its courtnie fraser from class 273 i think this quote means that a hero has to face trouble in the world and it means that if ur a here u have to think abot others and not ur self

☆★mn2508e↗↗↗ said...

hi i m nicole fm class 281. i think this quoe means that if u can deal w/ something that is big, or hard to deal with, u r a hero.

☆★mn2508e↗↗↗ said...

i feeled agree w/ shamarie. n i think a hero choose to deal with the things no matter how danger n how hard is it.