Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"I like flawed characters because somewhere in them I see more of the truth"

--Nicolas Cage, as quoted in "His Truth is Out There"
from Los Angeles Times, November 12, 2000

What does this quote mean? Provide a valid interpretation of this statement, agree or disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it, and support your opinion using specific references. Don't forget to comment on someone else's opinion.How does this quote relate to the author study that we are doing in class?

Make text connections.


DeBajanQueena20008 said...

i think this qoute means dont look at someone from the inside look at them from the kindness of their hearts u will c there true character. i think this qoute relates to the author study in class by the way it is considered as a wisdom, in most of wdms stories i think this wisdom can most relate to all his books because a lot of the characters judge each other by their appearances and not from their inner beauty.

LaDii Ray said...

i think this qoute means dont look at someone from the inside look at them from the kindness of their hearts u will c there true character. i think this qoute relates to the author study in class by the way it is considered as a wisdom, in most of wdms stories i think this wisdom can most relate to all his books because a lot of the characters judge each other by their appearances and not from their inner beauty.

Anonymous said...

i think this quote is saying that in order the character in people you must you must crack their character. i do agree with this quote because you can easily be tricked by not understanding someone.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Jayvone From 274. I agree what this quote means because you like characters that will inspire you and that will make you understand what the book is about and put it in deatails. Also he reaches out to you what he is saying. Also you see what and you can probably visualize what the reader is trying to say or make think the way he writes the book. So I agree what Nicolas Cage said in his quote.

Lil' Jay said...

I think this quote is true because when you study a character and find out hes flawed or really honest u can see more truth in them that they are telling


johnny gadere said...

I think the quote means if a person is flaw, it brings out their true feelings or self, in other words if a person is spoiled they have the ability the hind their true selves.

Lilpat said...

Hi mrs t hall I think this quote means dont look at someone from the inside look at them from thekindness of their hearts u will see there true character

smart sweet sificated said...

hi i am yolanda simeon form ela.this quote probably means that a person that is not condceried imperfect can be a person that you find more truth in someone you see the real them. its how people act defferent to one anther by social staices.some people may not relize how one anther act but if they really look at themselves they can see that the person that is not perfect but act they way they are in real life and is how they really are. i like this quote cause it shows how people can see what it means and probably see it in themselves

dsl2k5 said...

my name is Shawn from 281 and I think that this quote means to not judge a person from how they appear to look but from the goodness in their hearts which show their true colors.I can agree with ragayla because you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

CJ said...

Hi, Chereen here, and I think this quote means that characters that aren't perfect, they show who who they really are when they strive to become perfect. Those who seem to be flawless, show a proud personality, while their opposites seem more friendly.

asheslove said...

this is ASHLEY of course of 281 and just 2 say I love Nicholas Cage. I think he meant that nobody is perfect and everyone has flaws. When someone has flaws you can see wat they r really like. This wisdom can relate to thousands of books, and WDM since he writes the hard times and how this world and nobedy in ti is perfect. I can agree with ray, ray

Carlnow said...

Car.W.Powell JR 281
(best student in the world)

I think this quote mean this person liked people who are imperfect due to the fact he see more in a person of imperfection than one who is close to perfection. Well I disagree with this quote because even in some one no matter what he is you can see a lot from anyone. This relate to our author study because in most of the books people are imperfect and they some their true self.

TheMasterM100 said...

I think it means that people that show there true self people around you see the real you and the truth

Tajmah Isaac said...

I think this quote means that Nicholas Cage likes characters with flaws because he sees more of their true colors and sees what lies beneath the surface.I think this relates to the story WDM wrote,"The Streak" because the only reason why Jamie wanted to ask Eva out was because she nice eyes and nice boobs.I would also like to agree with what Ragayla said.

babyfootloose said...

i think this quote means dont judge someone from how how they look judge them on the way the act dont judge on the outside judge on the inside

*Shamarie* said...

Hi I'm Shamarie from 281. I think Nicholas Cage's quote means that people see more truth in non-perfect characters than characters that seems acts perfectly, because everyone has flaws and people who act flawless are full of vanity and has to often lie because they want to seem like the best.

☆★mn2508e↗↗↗ said...

hi i m nicole fm class 281. i think this is a gd quote bcuz it is really true. sometimes a person will have some flawed but it can makes u more understand this person n know his/her real characteristics.

☆★mn2508e↗↗↗ said...

i m agree with tajmah. in the story the main character jamie wants to ask a girl, eva to go out, but he was nervous n almost fail. but it lets eva saw his real characteristics, n he was succuss.

Anonymous said...

I Think This Quote Means To Dig Inside Someones Character And See Their Inside Instead of Outside Ways .....

YuNg LuC

igiul said...

hi, ms hall its luigi from class 274. i think this quote means that you should not look at someone by the way they look, but how they are really inside. i think this quote relate to Mel Glenn because he is so old you might think that he is boring, but when he start to talk you going to see that he's an amazing man.

Anonymous said...

Hi mrs.hall this is junior einor fropm class 274.I think this quote means that dont judge somebody by the way they look or act in the outside of that person, judge that person by the way there heart kindness and the way they are from the inside of that person.Also i agree with the comment that was posted up by:Jonny Gadere because what she or he said was the correct answer because "if a character or a person is spoiled they have the ability to hide the true personality of there true selves".

Anonymous said...

i think this quote means that i must judge poeple their iner perience not how they look,its whats in their heart.by courtnie fraser of class 273

Anonymous said...

this quote means to me that the more people do mistakes and stuff people think is aembarrising shows their true personality and their true character instead of that fake act they try to pull on others.

Cassy said...

when people have flaws or make mistakes it just shows their true personality and their true colors instead of a fake act to other people.

tavina96 said...

i think this qoute means dont look at someone from the inside look at them from the kindness of their hearts u will c there true character. i think this qoute relates to the author study in class by the way it is considered as a wisdom, in most of wdms stories i think this wisdom can most relate to all his books because a lot of the characters judge each other by their appearances and not from their inner beauty.octavina bastien274

tavina96 said...

i think this qoute means dont look at some one eles stuff just look at what u have .if u dont have what the other person have just no that one day you will have too so dont be jeaouse for their stuff .maybe one day you will have it too

tavina96 said...

also i have one more thing to say to you mrs hall which is dont look at someone from the inside look at them from the kindness of their hearts u will c there true character. i think this qoute relates to the author study in class by the way it is considered as a wisdom, in most of wdms stories i think this wisdom can most relate to all his books because a lot of the characters judge each other by their appearances and not from their inner beauty.

tavina96 said...

those comment are from me octavina bastien from class 274

olivia.1wifey@yahoo.com said...

i think this means that you shouldn't judge a person on their flaws or how they act because the way they act might be because of something that happened to them or from what their going through...so don't judge them because you don't know if its cause whats happening

Anonymous said...

i agree with this quote because i believe that some tell the truth and some lie but i believe that flawed characters tell the


Anonymous said...

i agree with xshalty because what he was saying was kinda what i was trying get at and our point is the same and reason.....

~~~~~SIMONE HARDING~~~~~274

SassyVinci101 said...

Shae- This quote specifally means that characters behind camera and scene they act in one way they play their character role the way they should {some better than others} because whether they like it or not it is their job and it is either do it or pau consequences but off camera some actors and actresses have a diffrent setted personality of their own that they cant bring to the table while they are acting. The quote writer says he likes flawed characters well flaws are like diffrences oor issues that you have and need to deal with and some cannot be dealt with, i think he means that he likes them because they show their true colors no matter what their upfront with their pesonality and flaws and are not afraid to show them because their not the only ones,

SLiiMPREETiiE said...

I think this quote means that some people think they have no flaws but having flaws is a good thing and not having flaws is impossible and so people with flaws keep it real and tell others what they feel or want they been wanting to say for a very long time and finally get to say it and i like flawed people because they sometimes help me and tell me things that i need to hear because others are affraid to tell me

Anonymous said...

i interpreted this quote and i came to the conclusion that if you think youre perfect,theres obviously some fakeness in you that people will recognize, but if you know youre not perfect,then people will see you as truthful because you know youre not perfect, then people will know you have nothing to hide but the truth.

Anonymous said...

i also agree with yolanda simeon's interpretion because that was exactly what i was trying to say

$ClassyPrincess$ said...

Hello Mrs. T.Hall this is A-S-H-L-E-Y from 273 and I think this quote specificly states that is someone is not all perfect, that is more realistic than a FAKE PERSON!!!!1

2hot4you said...

i think that he means when your with others you sometimes aren't yourslef and later on you begin to show your true colors

babyfootloose said...

hi this is devontae from class 273 i think the quote means not to judge some one from the inside you should judge them by what you see how they act the kindess or the evil in there heart

Anonymous said...

I think this quote means that you should not look at them and say well their a lier cause they have no flaws because they have flaws they are most likely to be the truth.